316 cold rolled stainless steel seamless tube
Austenitic chromium - nickel stainless steel including famous 18Cr-8Ni steel and, on that basis increased content of Cr, Ni and joined Mo, Cu, Si, Nb, Ti, and other elements developed series of high Cr-Ni steel. Non - magnetic and high toughness of austenitic stainless steel and plastic, but lower strength, it is not possible through phase transitions make it strengthened, can be enhanced by cold processing only. Such as joined the S,Ca,Se,Te element, you have good ease of cutting. Oxidation resistance of this type of steel with the exception of acid corrosion media outside, if containing Mo, Cu elements such as sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, and formic acid, acetic acid, urea and other corrosion. This class if less than 0.03, or the amount of carbon in steel containing Ti and Ni, can significantly improve its resistance to intergranular corrosion. High silicon austenitic stainless steel with good corrosion resistance of concentrated nitric acid. Because of austenitic stainless steel with a comprehensive and good performance, in all walks of life in the access to a wide range of applications.